Buenos Aires Study Abroad 2011

Buenos Aires Study Abroad 2011
The entire group!

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

My trip to Buenos Aires

The entire trip to Argentina for me was 26 hours!  We left our house in New Jersey at 3 pm, and arrived at 6.  Usually the trip to the city only takes 1 hour but because there was so much traffic it took 3 hours.  Then, I went through security and baggage check, and finally waited for the flight which left JFK at 10:45.  Next, we flew to Lima, Peru, where we made a stop for about an hour.  We could see that the neighborhood surrounding the airport was very poor.  We flew more again and then made a stop in Santiago, Chile for about an hour and half.  Santiago was very expensive and this is where I first found out that how they make coffee is very different.  I only asked for café con leche, and they gave me something with foam and I had no idea what it was.  After waiting in Santiago for an hour and a half, we boarded the flight for Buenos Aires.  We arrived around 4:30 and THEN we took a bus into the city which took about 30 min, and we finally arrived at around 5:00.  This was the LONGEST trip I have ever taken and I was extremely exhausted, but as soon as I arrived I was extremely excited to start my adventure in Buenos Aires!

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